Public Domain digital collection from the Rijksmuseum. (17-02-2021)

The Golden Agents project is a sustainable research infrastructure to study relations and interactions between producers and consumers of creative goods in the Dutch Golden Age.
Public Domain digital collection from the Rijksmuseum. (17-02-2021)
The Notaries network contains biographical data about notaries. The dataset is based on the Repertorium van Notarissen.
The Panpoëticon Batavûm is a collection of small portraits of Dutch poets (and writers in general). The collection was set up at the beginning of the eighteenth century by the painter Arnoud Halen (1673-1732).
This dataset is a Golden Agents RDF conversion of the data that was collected in the Vele Handen Citizen Science-project ‘Ja, ik wil!’ [Yes, I do!]. The dataset contains the socio-economic data on grooms and brides that registered their marriage banns in Amsterdam for every fifth year between 1580 and 1810 in the Amsterdam marriage banns registers
Data from the RKD’s Bredius Notes project, enriched with information from and links to the Golden Agents project.
Dataset based on the dissertation of Norbert Middelkoop: ‘Schutters, gildebroeders, regenten en regentessen: Het Amsterdamse corporatiestuk 1525-1850’ (2019).
The dataset with occasional poetry (=Gelegenheidsgedichten) published in the Dutch Republic between c. 1600-1800 built by the Royal Library (KB) contains 6,906 printed poems or collections of poems on a particular type of event.
Linking cultural industries in the early modern Low Countries, ca. 1475 – ca. 1725. (16-03-2020)
Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands (STCN). The STCN is the Dutch retrospective bibliography for the period 1540-1800; also included are concise descriptions of Dutch (post-)incunabula.
Online Datasystem of Theatre in Amsterdam from the Golden Age to the present. This is your address for questions about the repertoire, performances, popularity and revenues of the cultural program in Amsterdam’s public theatre during the period 1637 – 1772.
The Golden Agents project has developed ontologies to support research of interactions between the various branches of the creative industries of the Dutch Golden Age and between producers and consumers of cultural goods.
Our Agent Tools help to build complex queries to search the datasets. It assists you in finding en searching the right dataset. You can query directly using SPARQL or use the Querybuilder, a gui to build your queries.
Use the Timbuctoo Dataset Browser to explore the Golden Agents Datasets.
Lenticular Lens is a tool which allows users to construct linksets between entities from different Timbuctoo datasets (so called data-alignment or reconciliation).
Analiticcl is an approximate string matching or fuzzy-matching system that can be used for spelling correction or text normalisation.
With the Recogito-JS geotagging-widget, you can use the Recogito-JS or Annotorious framework to add annotations to text or images regarding geographical locations.
Create entity resolution on complex historical knowledge graphs.
Timbuctoo is a tool to publish your research dataset.
The Montias Case: an experiment with data reconciliation and provenance between research and cultural heritage institutions
9 november 2022 (presentation)
Leon van Wissen, Jirsi Reinders
2021-06-02 (presentation)
Leon van Wissen , Chiara Latronico , Veruska Zamborlini , Jirsi Reinders , Charles van den Heuvel
2021-09-21 (publication)
Harm Nijboer , Leon van Wissen , Judith Brouwer , Frans R. E. Blom
2021-11-09 (publication)
Charles van den Heuvel , Veruska Zamborlini
2022-08-31 (publication)
Jan de Mooij , Can Kurtan , Jurian Baas , Mehdi Dastani