Golden Agents


Agent Technology
Our Agent Tools help to build complex queries to search the datasets. It assists you in finding en searching the right dataset. You can query directly using SPARQL or use the Querybuilder, a gui to build your queries.

Dataset Browser
Use the Timbuctoo Dataset Browser to explore the Golden Agents Datasets.

Lenticular Lens
Lenticular Lens is a tool which allows users to construct linksets between entities from different Timbuctoo datasets (so called data-alignment or reconciliation).

Analiticcl is an approximate string matching or fuzzy-matching system that can be used for spelling correction or text normalisation.

Timbuctoo is a tool to publish your research dataset.

Recogito Geo plugin
With the Recogito-JS geotagging-widget, you can use the Recogito-JS or Annotorious framework to add annotations to text or images regarding geographical locations.

Graph Embeddings
Create entity resolution on complex historical knowledge graphs.